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How to use Water Pump Pressure Control Switch

Using a Water Pump Pressure Control Switch allows you to set your water pump's pressure to match your needs. It is easy to install, and you can easily adjust the setting to get perfect pressure control.The switch is a simple diaphragm mechanism that maintains a steady mechanical pressure. It is important to check and clean the switch's contacts for debris, mold, and insects to prevent it from failing.Wear and tear can also cause the switch to fail. You may be able to temporarily fix the problem with a nail file or air compressor, but a new switch is likely necessary.
A pressure switch's cut-in and cut-out values vary based on the system's applications. In many residential systems, a pressure switch is designed for a maximum of 50 PSI. A faulty switch could cause a pump to turn on when it's not needed, or it could stop detecting the correct water pressure.Depending on the type of switch you have, you might be able to field adjust your pressure switch. A few switches can't be field adjusted, however. It's best to find a local pump mechanic to help you.
It's also important to regularly monitor the pressure in your system. If it starts to go down, you should tighten the brass fitting to stop the leak.The pressure switch should be able to hold a pre-charge for a number of cycles before it fails. If your tank's pressure falls below the cut-in point, the switch is likely to malfunction. This can lead to a leak in the switch or the plumbing connections.

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